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House of
Cyber Decorating

Grab a drink, set back, browes around.

I'm going to try to keep this site updated on a monthly bases,
but knowing me I'll get carried away and will have
to update this on a weekly bases.

All the Graghics, Textures, lines, and buttons, on this site are mine, meaning that I made them. If I use any other graghics that are not,
you will find a link to that page on my links page, along with the name of the owner under the graphic.
If you see a graghic that is not mark and you know who the owner is please let me know so I may give creadit.
Or if you see a graghic that is mark and you feel or can prove that it belongs to some one else,
please let me know.
If you see a graghic on here that you feel or see that you dont think is mine, please let me know.

Your welcome to use any thing you like, but please give credit due.
Thanks, enjoy your stay.

Please before you leave take time to sign my guest book and/or leave me a commet.
Thank You.

Sign Guest Book      Veiw Guest Book


Take a button to link back to me.
Right click to save the image,
copy and past the code,
you will need to change the name of the image to the one that you saved.
Make sure that you have the jpg and gif right or the image will not show up.

Image dds1.jpg

Image dds2.gif

Image dd2.jpg

Image dds3.jpg